One of the joys of decorating a home includes showing it off to your family and friends. Having a beautiful yet simple guest bedroom for your family and friends to use, will not only make hosting guests a more enjoyable experience, but it is the key to ensuring they have a memorable stay at your home. Taking into account advice from interior designers, the most appealing guest rooms are the simplest and ones. Below we have listed several tips we think would help you decorate the perfect simple guest bedroom for all your guests.

Nestle in Neutrals

Neutral colours are always a win-win situation and you can never go wrong with them. They never fail to create a comfortable and simple guest bedroom. Neutral colours also help to open up the room and give a natural feel to a bedroom. This doesn't necessarily result in a boring bedroom, but can provide an opportunity to play around with the bedroom and make seasonal changes or customised tweaks based on your guests preferences.

Bedding choices

Sticking to the simple and natural vibe, choose bedding that is simple yet effective is key. Selecting white or grey plain bedding is a good choice and provides room to play around with patterned and coloured throws and cushions helping to create a simple yet welcoming bedroom. A subtle pattern can never hurt anyone and can help add a beautiful touch to the room.


No room is complete without a few pieces of furniture. Incorporating a bedside table, a desk or even an armchair can help tie the room together. However, it is important to remember not to clutter the room. Excessive amounts of furniture are not necessary and can give the illusion of a smaller more suffocating room. Stick to a few carefully selected pieces, such as an Ottoman storage bed or a divan bed to reduce clutter. Simple is always more effective. Try and select furniture that will not only look nice, but will be practical. Your guest needs somewhere to get ready as well as to sit down. Keeping all this in mind will help refine your search for the perfect piece of furniture.

Wall Decor

Wall decor is the perfect final touch to any room and specifically your guest room. Minimalist pieces of art are perfect when trying to create a simple room. A large mirror is also a good option; it reflects light giving the illusion of a larger and brighter room and it doubles as a practical accessory for your guest, to help them get dressed.

Finally, remember, keep it simple. Before your guests arrive, remove any clutter from the bedroom, and give them a warm welcome by lighting a candle or spraying your favourite scent in the room. Alternatively, adding a diffuser will introduce a beautiful scent and keep the bedroom ready for any potential guests. Your guests are bound to comment on your hosting skills.

Happy Hosting!