
We are proud of our products and confident in the quality of materials we use, and the levels of craftsmanship that goes in to each and every item we manufacture. We are therefore happy to offer a 1 year warranty for all of our products. We are here for you and will always work towards finding a solution to any issue that may arise. We will, according to the fault or defect, either repair or replace any parts of the bed frame or mattress that are found to be defective. At our discretion, we may choose to replace the full product. This type of warranty is meant to give our customers peace of mind and assure them that we are committed to delivering a high-quality product.

It’s important to note that our warranty does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear, misuse, or improper assembly. They are also subject to certain terms and conditions, which our customers should be aware of before making a purchase.

Please do get in touch with the office if you discover any fault or defect, and you can be sure that we will do our very best to resolve the issue. Please see our full terms and conditions for further details.