Sleep! What healing powers does it provide?

Sleep, aptly nicknamed “the brain’s food”, during slumber is when our mind and body can take important time for restoration and repair. But as we lie in bed, wrapped in the covers and engrossed within our dreams, what exactly is happening within us?

Girl laying sleeping in bed with the sun shining into the room.

Physical healing

While you become dormant at night, your body remains very much awake. Any cuts, bruises, sore muscles or generally weak areas in need of repair will be targeted for physical healing. The brain sends a signal that causes the release of hormones needed for tissue growth to repair blood vessels. For all those pesky cuts and bruises and awful aches and pains this is great news! Sleep allows for a much speedier healing process. Those much worn out, damaged areas and tired muscles will be restored and fixed up in to time with the right amount of sleep.

Strengthening the immune system

Sleep is also imperative for strengthening the immune system. As the demands of your body are minimal during this time, it can focus on creating additional white blood cells. These cells are responsible for attacking any viruses or bacteria that can impede your body’s ability to heal, meaning high levels are optimal and subsequently, so is sleep. So, if you’re looking to avoid those pesky winter bugs, try and squeeze in some more snoozing time. 


After a long day of activities and demands, there needs to be a time for the body to relax. That time is – during our nightly slumber. As you lie in bed, doing nothing but being cosy, your bodily functions that have been active all day can finally take a break. Your blood pressure decreases, muscles will relax, breathing slows and your heart rests to match your current inactivity. It is so important for the body to experience this cool down time as it can help to reduce inflammation and assist with the healing process.

Improvement in hormone levels

The reduction in activity when sleeping means the body and brain can focus solely on restoration. This process includes hormone, energy and stress levels being adjusted to an optimal level, therefore when you wake up, you’ll feel an improvement in your mood. As a result, you can start your morning in the best way – feeling positive and ready for the activities of the day ahead. It’s a great way to avoid groggy mornings and to try and make for a more productive day.

Zen garden stone stacked tower in front of bamboo.

Without the period of inactivity that sleep brings, the human body would be unable to complete these important healing process. The consequences of this can be detrimental, both physically and psychologically, including loss of memory, slow reflexes, poor decision making and increased vulnerability to illness. Therefore, to ensure you can still remember to take the bins out, catch your phone before it hits the floor, choose the best restaurant for dinner and maintain optimum health – get a good night’s sleep.