Canopy draped beds have long been used in Asian households. Not only do canopies transform the look and feel of a room in an instance, they’re traditionally used practically to keep off mosquitoes and insects at night. Canopies vary in style from mystical elegant net, all the way to bedazzling, vibrant and colourful silk all of which vary from country to country. Bangladesh have outdone everyone in the world of canopies, Bengalis adorn their bedrooms with floral garland canopies known as Phools. Traditionally, married couples in Bangladesh often have their beds adorned in fresh flower garland canopies. The flowers usually consist of roses, spider lilies, frangipani, paras, jasmine, and marigolds. Whilst fresh flower canopies may not be the most practical adding faux flower garlands to create a floral canopy around your own bed can give off the same botanical vibes.