Achieving a good nights sleep is crucial for your health and wellbeing.  Many important things work in unity in our body from chemicals, hormones and nutrients to promote good sleep and regulate the sleep cycle.

This means that what you eat before bedtime can have an impact on your sleep health. There are certain foods that can help you to sleep better by promoting the correct blend of chemicals, nutrients, amino acids, enzymes, or hormones. Therefore, eating the correct sleep-promoting foods is definitely part of the recipe for a good sleep.

Research has found that for longer and better quality sleep it’s important to have lycopene (found in red and orange coloured foods), carbohydrates, vitamin c, selenium (found in nuts, meat and shellfish), and more lutein/zeaxanthin (found in green, leafy vegetables that are rich in stress reducing calcium).

Similar research has also found that some of the best snacks for a good night’s sleep are usually ones that promote the availability of tryptophan; an amino acid that produces the calming neurotransmitters; serotonin and melatonin, which ultimately allows the nervous system to slow down. This helps to calm your brain and in turn helps to relax overstressed muscles. Moreover, foods that contain proteins can help the body adjust from the 'adrenaline cycle' mode to 'rest-and-digest' mode, by helping regulate blood sugar levels, which are effective in helping to promote good sleep.

selection of fruit smoothie drinks

Foods that can help you to sleep!

Taking research findings and nutritional knowledge into consideration, here are some of the best foods for a good nights sleep:

1. Banana 

Bananas are the ultimate edible lullaby. They contain the all-important tryptophan amino acid which stimulates the production of calming and relaxing hormones. It also contains high levels of magnesium and potassium which assist in relaxing overstressed muscles. There are so many ways of eating them. Why not try a banana smoothie or snack on them directly. They’re the perfect substitute for junk food and will prevent you from snacking unnecessarily as well.

bowl of roasted almonds

2. Almonds 

Almonds are another winner as they contain magnesium which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation. They have the added benefit of supplying proteins which help maintain a stable blood sugar level while sleeping and switch the body from alert adrenaline cycle to rest-and-digest mode. 

Opt for a handful of nuts as an afternoon snack or for a comforting bed time snack, try mixing some nuts with milk and a dollop of honey.

3. Kiwi

This nutritional yet low calorie fruit is a healthy and delicious snack that could potentially increase your ability to fall asleep. Kiwis are thought to improve sleep due to their high levels of serotonin; a brain chemical that helps to regulate sleep.

One study found that 43% of those who ate kiwi before bed found it easier to fall asleep compared to those who did not eat anything. One study also suggests that kiwi is the best food to eat before you sleep. 

4. Chamomile tea

This soothing herbal tea has been a favourite for centuries. Traditionally used to treat insomnia, chamomile tea has been found to contain the antioxidant Apigenin which binds to certain receptors promoting sleepiness and helping to reduce insomnia. Chamomile tea has also been found to help with symptoms of depression; a common trigger of insomnia.

Regardless of whether the scientific evidence is of great importance to you or not, drinking a freshly made mug of this beautiful soothing herbal tea, is a great way to mentally prepare and relax your body for sleep.

5. Calcium

There is a reason why the traditional mug of milk before bed is so popular.  Calcium is known to aid sleep and is effective in reducing stress and stabilising one’s nerves. Oatcakes with a slice of creamy cheese are a great way to incorporate a bundle of healthy goodness into ones bedtime routine. It contains complex carbohydrates and proteins as well as a healthy dose of calcium; the perfect blend to help stabilise your sleeping cycle.

puddle of milk

Luckily there are many foods that contain high levels of sleep inducing hormones and chemicals.

However, remember that alongside these suggested snacks and foods, regulating your diet and the timings of your meals is essential to reap the full benefits that these food have in store for our sleep.

Try and have your last snack at least 2-3 hours before sleeping to prevent indigestion or acid reflux and don’t sleep too late!

Happy Sleeping !