Why should you separate your work space from your bedroom:
Firstly, to maintain the bedroom as a relaxing space Separating different work spaces are important for how you mentally perceive the space around you. It’s both important and mentally appealing to have different areas allocated for where you complete different actions.
Your work space should be separate from the area you relax in and similarly so should the place you eat in. This ensures that your mental associations with these places are distinct and unconnected. If your mental associations with these places are somewhat jumbled, it will be difficult to complete any tasks at all. According to the Harvard Business Review’s 'Guide to Being more Productive', it mentions:
“Unless you are careful to maintain boundaries, you may start to feel like you’re always at work and losing a place to come home to”.
Whilst it is understandable that many of us do not have the luxury of space, but even then, try and allocate different sections of the space you have for different tasks. It will make a huge difference.